Last Updated: 2025-03-10 Mon 14:11

Quick Guide to gdb: The GNU Debugger

Intended Audience

This tutorial is for folks in courses like the UMN's CSCI 2021 or UMD's CMSC 216 which require use of GDB to work programs and perform debugging exercises like Bryant and O'Hallarons notorious "Binary Bomb" project. Others may benefit from the guide as well if they are looking to get oriented using GDB.

1 Starting the Debugger

In a terminal, run gdb with a "text user interface"

>> make puzzlebox
gcc -Wall -g -c puzzlebox.c
gcc -Wall -g -o puzzlebox puzzlebox.o

# Note the -g option while compiling which adds debugging symbols for
# the debugger: very useful

# Start gdb with the text user interface on program puzzlebox
>> gdb -tui ./puzzlebox

1.1 TUI Mode (recommended)

The Text User Interface (TUI) is enabled by running gdb with the -tui option. It shows

  • Commands and history towards the bottom
  • Source code position towards the top

The screen will occasionally get "messed up" which can be corrected by pressing Control-L which will force a redraw of the terminal screen.


Figure 1: gdb -tui ./puzzlebox, the text user interface mode

1.2 Normal Mode

This is in contrast to the normal mode of gdb which does not show any source code unless the list command is issued. Most folks find this harder to work with unless they are running it as a sub-process of another editor such as emacs.


Figure 2: gdb ./puzzlebox, the normal "quiet" mode. Source code is only shown after list commands.

1.3 Switching Modes

If in normal mode, one can enter TUI mode with the command

tui enable

Switching to normal mode is done via

tui disable

2 A Typical Start to puzzlebox

The below sample run in gdb illustrates the basics of running puzzlebox in the debugger. See the next section for some details on commands like next / run / break.

>> gdb -tui ./puzzlebox                               # Start gdb with text user interface on the puzzlebox
GNU gdb (GDB) 8.1
Reading symbols from ./puzzlebox...done.
(gdb) set args input.txt                              # set command line arguments to the input.txt
(gdb) run                                             # run the program
Starting program: puzzlebox input.txt
UserID 'kauf0095' accepted: hash value = 1397510491   # program output
PHASE 1: A puzzle you say? Challenge accepted!

Ah ah ah, you didnt say the magic word...
Failure: Double debugger burger, order up!

  * Score: 0 / 50 pts *
[Inferior 1 (process 27727) exited normally]          # gdb indicates program ended

(gdb) break phase01                                   # set a breakpoint to stop at function phase01()
Breakpoint 1 at 0x55555555551a: file puzzlebox.c, line 220.
(gdb) run
Starting program: puzzlebox input.txt
UserID 'kauf0095' accepted: hash value = 1397510491
PHASE 1: A puzzle you say? Challenge accepted!

Breakpoint 1, phase01 () at puzzlebox.c:220           # hit a breakpoint
220	  int a = atoi(next_input());                 # stopped at this line of code
(gdb) step                                            # step forward one line of code
next_input () at puzzlebox.c:197                      # stepped into function next_input()
197	  input_idx++;
(gdb) step                                            # step again
198	  int ret = fscanf(input_fh, "%s", inputs[input_idx]);
(gdb) finish                                          # boring: finish this function
Run till exit from #0  next_input () at puzzlebox.c:198
0x0000555555555524 in phase01 () at puzzlebox.c:220
220	  int a = atoi(next_input());                 # back in phase01()
Value returned is $1 = 0x555555758380 <inputs+128> "1"
(gdb) step                                            # forward
221	  int b = atoi(next_input());
(gdb) next                                            # move past the call to next_input()
222	  int c = atoi(next_input());
(gdb) next                                            # past again: 3 inputs required for this phase
224	  a += hash % 40;                             # doing something to a based on random hash...
(gdb) print a                                         # show what happened to it
$2 = 12                                               # now has value 12
(gdb) n                                               # abbreviation for 'next'
225	  if (a<b && b>c && a<c) {                    # some checks for a, b, c which are inputs
(gdb) next
228	  failure("Double debugger burger, order up!"); # about to fail, must need different inputs
(gdb) kill                                              # kill the program
Kill the program being debugged? (y or n) y

                                                      # Edit intput.txt to have different values now

(gdb) run                                             # re-run the program
Starting program: puzzlebox input.txt
UserID 'kauf0095' accepted: hash value = 1397510491
PHASE 1: A puzzle you say? Challenge accepted!

Breakpoint 1, phase01 () at puzzlebox.c:220           # hit breakpoint again
220	  int a = atoi(next_input());

(gdb) info break                                      # show info about which breakpoints are active
Num     Type           Disp Enb Address            What
1       breakpoint     keep y   0x000055555555551a in phase01 at puzzlebox.c:220
	breakpoint already hit 1 time

(gdb) break puzzlebox.c:225                           # don't feel like stepping: set a breakpoint some lines ahead
Breakpoint 2 at 0x555555555583: file puzzlebox.c, line 225.

(gdb) info break                                      # show info on active brekpoints
Num     Type           Disp Enb Address            What
1       breakpoint     keep y   0x000055555555551a in phase01 at puzzlebox.c:220
	breakpoint already hit 1 time
2       breakpoint     keep y   0x0000555555555583 in phase01 at puzzlebox.c:225

(gdb) continue                                        # continue executing until next breakpoint

Breakpoint 2, phase01 () at puzzlebox.c:225           # hit second breakpoint
225	  if (a<b && b>c && a<c) {
(gdb) print a                                         # a value
$3 = 21
(gdb) next                                            # see if this works
228	  failure("Double debugger burger, order up!"); # nope
(gdb) print b                                          # see b
$4 = 2                                                 # probably need to make it bigger to satisfy a<b

3 Standard gdb Commands

Like most debuggers, gdb gives a variety of ways to control program execution and inspect values. Below is a summary but the extensive help within gdb itself gives many more details.

3.1 GDB's Help System

GDB has an extensive built-in help accessible via help COMMAND which will print information on the commands. Below is a demo of getting help on several common commands:

(gdb) help x
Examine memory: x/FMT ADDRESS.
ADDRESS is an expression for the memory address to examine.
FMT is a repeat count followed by a format letter and a size letter.
Format letters are o(octal), x(hex), d(decimal), u(unsigned decimal),
  t(binary), f(float), a(address), i(instruction), c(char), s(string)
  and z(hex, zero padded on the left).
Size letters are b(byte), h(halfword), w(word), g(giant, 8 bytes).
The specified number of objects of the specified size are printed
according to the format.  If a negative number is specified, memory is
examined backward from the address.

Defaults for format and size letters are those previously used.
Default count is 1.  Default address is following last thing printed
with this command or "print".

(gdb) help step
step, s
Step program until it reaches a different source line.
Usage: step [N]
Argument N means step N times (or till program stops for another reason).

3.2 Setting breakpoints in gdb

A breakpoint indicates a place that execution will be stopped in a program by the debugger. They can be created in a variety of ways and removed when no longer needed.

Command Effect Notes
break main Stop running at the beginning of main()  
break phase01 Stop running at the beginning of  
break puzzlebox.c:100 Stop running at line 100 of puzzlebox.c  
break Stop running at the current line Useful for stopping on a re-run
info breakpoint Show all breakpoints with locations  
disable 2 Don't stop at breakpoint #2 but keep it there  
enable 2 Stop at breakpoint #2 again  
clear phase01 Remove breakpoint for phase01()  
clear puzzlebox.c:100 Remove breakpoint at line 100 of puzzlebox.c  
delete 2 Remove breakpoint #2  
break *0x1248f2 Break at specific instruction address See info in Binary Files Section
break *func+24 Break at instruction with decimal offset from a label  
break *func+0x18 Break at instruction with hex offset from a label  

3.3 Arguments and Running

After loading a program and setting a breakpoint or two, typically one runs it. Command line arguments are also often necessary.

Command Effect Notes
set args hi bye 2 Set command line arguments to hi bye 2 Want command line to be input.txt for puzzlebox
show args Show the current command line arguments Changes to args require a kill/run to take effect
run Start running the program from the beginning Will run to complete unless a breakpoint is set
kill Kill the running program Usually done to re- run the program before hitting a failure
file program Load program and start debugging Reloads after a recompile, not necessary for puzzlebox but useful for proper debugging
quit Exit the debugger  

3.4 Stepping

When a breakpoint is hit, single steps forward are possible in the debugger to trace which path of execution is taken. Use step to move into functions line by line and next to stay in the current function stepping over function calls.

Command Effect Notes
step Step forward one line of code Must be running; usually do this after hitting a breakpoint
step 4 Step forward 4 lines of code step goes into functions
next / next 4 Step forward but over function calls next does not go into functions
stepi Step a single assembly instruction forward stepi goes into functions
nexti Step an assembly instruction forward over functions nexti does not go into functions
finish Finish executing the current function Shows return value of function on finishing it
continue / cont Continue running until the next breakpoint  

3.5 Printing Values in Memory and Stack

Inspecting values is often necessary to see what is going on in a program. The debugger can display data in a variety of formats including formats that defy the C type of the variable given.

Also included are commands to print memory locations pointed to by registers such as the stack pointer register rsp. This is useful for inspecting values that might be pushed into the stack and manipulated.

Command Effect Notes
print a Print value of variable a which must be in the current function Formats a according to its C type
print/x a Print value of a as a hexadecimal number  
print/o a Print value of a as a octal number  
print/t a Print value of a as a binary number (show all bits)  
print/s a Print value of a as a string even if it is not one  
print arr[2] Print value of arr[2] according to its C type  
print 0x4A25 Print decimal value of hex constant 0x4A25 which is 18981  
x a Examines memory pointed to by a Assumes a is a pointer
x/d a Print memory pointed to by a as a decimal integer  
x/s a Print memory pointed to by a as a string  
x/s (a+4) Print memory pointed to by a+4 as a string  
x $rax Print memory pointed to by register rax  
x $rax+8 Print memory 8 bytes above where register rax points  
x /wx $rax Print as "words" of 32-bit numbers in hexadecimal format  
x /gx $rax Print as "giant" 64-bit numbers in hexadecimal format  
x /5gd $rax Print 5 64-bit numbers starting where rax points; use decimal format  
x /3wd $rsp Print 3 32-bit numbers at the top of the stack (starting at rsp)  
x /3bd $rsp Print 3 8-bit numbers at the top of the stack (starting at rsp)  

3.6 Command History and Screen Management in TUI Mode

A bit of basic editing discipline is useful in gdb. The Text User Interface -tui mode alter keys so that arrows don't work normally. However, TUI mode shows the source code position in the upper area of the terminal which most folks find to be helpful.

Command/Keystroke TUI -tui mode Normal Mode
Ctrl-l (control L) Re-draw the screen to remove cruft (do this a LOT) Clear the screen
Ctrl-p (control P) Previous command, repeat for history Same
Ctrl-n (control N) Next command if at a previous Same
Ctrl-r (control R) Interactive search backwards Same
Ctrl-b (control B) Move the cursor back (left) a char Same
Ctrl-f (control F) Move the cursor forward (right) a char Same
Up / Down arrows Move the source code window up/down Previous/Next Commands
Left / Right arrows Move the source code window left/right Move cursor left/right
list No effect, source code always shown in top panel Show 10 lines of source code around current execution point

3.7 Other Resources

4 Debugging Assembly in GDB

4.1 Overview

GDB has no trouble handling assembly code when it is included or when only a binary executable is available. The following commands are useful for this.

Command/Keystroke TUI -tui mode Normal Mode
Ctrl-l (control L) Re-draw the screen to remove cruft (do this a LOT) Clear the screen
layout asm Show assembly code window if not currently shown No effect
layout reg Show a window holding register contents No effect
winheight regs +2 Make the registers window 2 lines bigger No effect
winheight regs -1 Make the registers window 1 line smaller No effect
info reg Show the contents of registers in the command window Same
list No effect Show some lines of assembly code
disassemble OR disas No effect Show lines of assembly in binary, includes instruction addresses

In TUI mode with the commands layout asm and layout reg, one can get a somewhat ergonomic layout for debugging assembly which looks like this.


Figure 3: gdb running on some assembly code. Register contents are displayed in the top frame, assembly in the middle, and commands on the bottom.

4.2 Compile and Run Assembly Files (source available)

Compiling an assembly file with debug flags on will cause gdb to show that assembly code by default in the TUI source window and cause the step command to move one instruction at a time.

>> gcc -g collatz.s              # compile assembly code with debug symbols
>> gdb ./a.out                   # run gdb on executable
(gdb) tui enable                 # enable text user interface mode
(gdb) break main                 # set a break point at main
(gdb) run                        # run to the break point
(gdb) step                       # step a couple times to see position in assembly
(gdb) s                          # shorthand for step
(gdb) layout regs                # start displaying registers 
(gdb) step                       # step to see changes in registers
(gdb) break collatz.s:15         # break at another source line
(gdb) continue                   # run to the source line
(gdb) step                       # step
(gdb) winheight regs +2          # show more of the register window for eflags
(gdb) quit                       # exit the debugger

4.3 Debug Binaries (no source available)

Without debug symbols, gdb does not know what source to display. Since binary files correspond to assembly, one can always get the debugger to show assembly code in TUI with layout asm. Also, the stepi command should be used to execute single assembly instructions at a time as step may try to figure out C-level operation to execute which may be several assembly instructions.

>> gcc collatz.s                 # compile assembly code without debug symbols
>> gdb ./a.out                   # run gdb on executable
(gdb) tui enable                 # enable text user interface mode

(gdb) layout asm                 # SHOW ASSEMBLY CODE IN SOURCE WINDOW

(gdb) break main                 # set a break point at main
(gdb) run                        # run to the break point

(gdb) stepi                      # STEP A SINGLE ASSMEBLY INSTRUCTION
(gdb) si                         # shorthand for stepi

(gdb) layout regs                # start displaying registers 
(gdb) stepi                      # step to see changes in registers
(gdb) break *main + 14           # break at instruction 14 bytes after main
(gdb) continue                   # run to the source line
(gdb) stepi                      # step
(gdb) winheight regs +2          # show more of the register window for eflags
(gdb) quit                       # exit the debugger

4.4 Additional TUI Commands

The official list of gdb TUI commands and configuration is here:

Included in the documentation are

  • Adjusting window heights
  • Displaying additional windows
  • Cycling through windows for scrolling with up/down arrows
  • Single-key mode so that pressing i or s steps one instruction forward which makes one feel very cool

5 Breakpoints in Binary Files

Setting breakpoints with C and Assembly source files is easily done by file/line number. However, if no source is available, it becomes a bit trickier as one must set breakpoints base on other criteria. Here are some tricks.

5.1 Break at Function Symbols/Labels

At the assembly level, function names at higher language levels are still present as "symbols". These can be viewed using binary tools like objdump -t a.out or nm a.out. Anything marked with the T symbol are "program text". Setting break points at these is common.

>> nm bomb                           # show symbols in binary bomb
...                                  # functions marked with "T"
0000000000400df6 T main              # there is a main function
0000000000400f2d T phase_1           # there are phase functions
0000000000400f49 T phase_2
>> gdb ./bomb                        # run binary in debugger
Reading symbols from bomb...done.

(gdb) break main                     # set a breakpoint on reaching symbol "main"
Breakpoint 1 at 0x400df6: file bomb.c, line 37.

(gdb) break phase_1                  # set a breakpoint on reaching symbol "phase_1"
Breakpoint 2 at 0x400f2d             # shows memory address of instruction starting phase_1

(gdb) run                            # run
Starting program: bomb
Breakpoint 1, main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffe6a8) at bomb.c:37    # first breakpoint in main
37      {

(gdb) cont                           # continue
Breakpoint 2, 0x0000000000400f2d in phase_1 () # second breakpoint in phase_1, note memory address


5.2 Break at Specific Instruction Addresses

As binaries don't have line numbers, one cannot set a breakpoint at a specific line number. However, all instructions in a binary file do have an instruction address. One can set a breakpoints at specific instruction addresses so that when the instruction pointer register (rip) reaches these, the debugger will stop execution. The syntax for this is a little funny:

# note the use of the * in each case

(gdb) break *0x1248f2    # break at instruction at address 0x1248f2

(gdb) break *func+24     # break at label func + 24 bytes

(gdb) break *func+0x18   # break at label func + 24 bytes (0x18 == 24)

Below is an example showing typical uses of setting breakpoints at instruction addresses. Note that the disas command is used in gdb to show disassembled code in the current function which conveniently provides some offsets for upcoming instruction addresses from the closest label. This information may already be present in TUI mode without need to use disas.

Breakpoint 2, 0x0000000000400f2d in phase_1 ()

(gdb) disas                     # SHOW assembly code and current position
Dump of assembler code for function phase_1:
=> 0x0000000000400f2d <+0>:     sub    $0x8,%rsp
   0x0000000000400f31 <+4>:     mov    $0x402710,%esi
   0x0000000000400f36 <+9>:     callq  0x401439 <strings_not_equal>
   0x0000000000400f3b <+14>:    test   %eax,%eax
   0x0000000000400f3d <+16>:    je     0x400f44 <phase_1+23>
   0x0000000000400f3f <+18>:    callq  0x401762 <explode_bomb>
   0x0000000000400f44 <+23>:    add    $0x8,%rsp
   0x0000000000400f48 <+27>:    retq
End of assembler dump.

(gdb) break *0x400f36           # SET a breakpoint at specific instruction address
Breakpoint 3 at 0x400f36
(gdb) cont                      # CONTINUE execution

Breakpoint 3, 0x0000000000400f36 in phase_1 ()  # note stopping address matches breakpoint
(gdb) disas                     # SHOW assembly code and current position
Dump of assembler code for function phase_1:
   0x0000000000400f2d <+0>:     sub    $0x8,%rsp
   0x0000000000400f31 <+4>:     mov    $0x402710,%esi
=> 0x0000000000400f36 <+9>:     callq  0x401439 <strings_not_equal>
   0x0000000000400f3b <+14>:    test   %eax,%eax
   0x0000000000400f3d <+16>:    je     0x400f44 <phase_1+23>
   0x0000000000400f3f <+18>:    callq  0x401762 <explode_bomb>
   0x0000000000400f44 <+23>:    add    $0x8,%rsp
   0x0000000000400f48 <+27>:    retq
End of assembler dump.

(gdb) break *phase_1+18         # SET a breakpoint at byte offset from label
Breakpoint 4 at 0x400f3f        # Note address 

(gdb) cont                      # CONTINUE execution

Breakpoint 4, 0x0000000000400f3f in phase_1 () # note address

(gdb) disas                     # SHOW assembly code and current position
Dump of assembler code for function phase_1:
   0x0000000000400f2d <+0>:     sub    $0x8,%rsp
   0x0000000000400f31 <+4>:     mov    $0x402710,%esi
   0x0000000000400f36 <+9>:     callq  0x401439 <strings_not_equal>
   0x0000000000400f3b <+14>:    test   %eax,%eax
   0x0000000000400f3d <+16>:    je     0x400f44 <phase_1+23>
=> 0x0000000000400f3f <+18>:    callq  0x401762 <explode_bomb>
   0x0000000000400f44 <+23>:    add    $0x8,%rsp
   0x0000000000400f48 <+27>:    retq
End of assembler dump.

6 Advanced GDB Usage

6.1 Reverse Execution

Traditionally GDB allowed stepping forwards only. This is understandable as programs flow "forwards" in time but vexing as many a debugging session has been ruined by stepping just a little too far forward and missing a critical stopping point where information was desired.

Modern GDB allows for reverse execution on most platforms through recording the states of the program at intervals. The following commands allow for reverse execution and are handy to avoid the heartache of stepping just a little too far.

record full Start recording program state to enable reverse execution
  The program must be running typically via break main then run
rs / reverse-step Back up one step into function calls, like s/step but backwards
rn / reverse-next Back up one step over function calls, like n/next but backwards
rc / reverse-continue Execute in reverse until to the previous breakpoint is reached

6.2 Breakpoint Conditions

It is useful to break at a certain iteration when debugging loops and when parameter have certain values in functions. Breakpoints can be made conditional so that execution stops at a given point only if variables meet certain conditions.

break 168 if x > 2 Conditional breakpoint at line 168 if variable x is larger than 2
break func if arg->fld > 3 Conditional breakpoint at func if an argument meets a requirement

A good example is the following program which has loops and a function of interest.

 1: // condbreak.c: program used to demonstrate conditional break points
 2: // in gdb. A long-winded loop is featured along with a division
 3: // function which can cause a crash. GDB makes it easy to set
 4: // breakpoints to stop when conditions of interest arise.
 6: #include <stdio.h>
 8: void dodiv(int top, int bot, int *quo, int *rem){
 9:   int q = top / bot;
10:   int r = top % bot;
11:   *quo = q;
12:   *rem = r;
13: }
15: int main(int argc, char *argv[]){
17:   for(int i=50; i>=0; i--){
18:     for(int j=25; j>=0; j--){
19:       printf("%2d div %2d is: ",i,j);
20:       int q,r;
21:       dodiv(i,j,&q,&r);
22:       printf("%2d remainder %2d\n",q,r);
23:     }
24:   }
26:   return 0;
27: }

The session below demonstrates the utility of setting a conditional breakpoint which stops when a certain loop iteration is reached and also stops when a function call occurs with a parameter of a certain value.

  1: >> gcc -g condbreak.c           # compile
  3: >> ./a.out                      # run
  4: 50 div 25 is:  2 remainder  0
  5: 50 div 24 is:  2 remainder  2
  6: 50 div 23 is:  2 remainder  4
  7: 50 div 22 is:  2 remainder  6
  8: 50 div 21 is:  2 remainder  8
  9: 50 div 20 is:  2 remainder 10
 10: 50 div 19 is:  2 remainder 12
 11: 50 div 18 is:  2 remainder 14
 12: 50 div 17 is:  2 remainder 16
 13: 50 div 16 is:  3 remainder  2
 14: 50 div 15 is:  3 remainder  5
 15: 50 div 14 is:  3 remainder  8
 16: 50 div 13 is:  3 remainder 11
 17: 50 div 12 is:  4 remainder  2
 18: 50 div 11 is:  4 remainder  6
 19: 50 div 10 is:  5 remainder  0
 20: 50 div  9 is:  5 remainder  5
 21: 50 div  8 is:  6 remainder  2
 22: 50 div  7 is:  7 remainder  1
 23: 50 div  6 is:  8 remainder  2
 24: 50 div  5 is: 10 remainder  0
 25: 50 div  4 is: 12 remainder  2
 26: 50 div  3 is: 16 remainder  2
 27: 50 div  2 is: 25 remainder  0
 28: 50 div  1 is: 50 remainder  0   # some error occurs here, need to debug
 29: Floating point exception (core dumped)
 31: >> gdb a.out
 32: GNU gdb (GDB) 16.2
 33: Reading symbols from a.out...
 35: (gdb) break 19                  # break at line 19 in the inner loop
 36: Breakpoint 1 at 0x11b4: file condbreak.c, line 19.
 38: (gdb) run
 39: Starting program: a.out
 40: Breakpoint 1, main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffdd08) at condbreak.c:19
 41: 19	      printf("%2d div %2d is: ",i,j);
 43: (gdb) print j                   # j is 25
 44: $1 = 25
 46: (gdb) cont                      # continue
 47: Continuing.
 48: 50 div 25 is:  2 remainder  0
 50: Breakpoint 1, main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffdd08) at condbreak.c:19
 51: 19	      printf("%2d div %2d is: ",i,j);
 53: (gdb) print j                   # j is 24...
 54: $2 = 24
 56: (gdb) cont                      # continue
 57: Continuing.
 58: 50 div 24 is:  2 remainder  2
 60: Breakpoint 1, main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffdd08) at condbreak.c:19
 61: 19	      printf("%2d div %2d is: ",i,j);
 63: (gdb) print j                   # j is 23... this is tedious
 64: $3 = 23
 66: (gdb) delete 1
 68: (gdb) break 19 if j==15         # break only when j is a value of interest like 15
 69: Breakpoint 2 at 0x5555555551b4: file condbreak.c, line 19.
 71: (gdb) run                       # run from the beginning
 72: The program being debugged has been started already.
 73: Start it from the beginning? (y or n) y
 74: Starting program: a.out
 75: 50 div 25 is:  2 remainder  0   # no breaks at line 19 as j does not meet the condition
 76: 50 div 24 is:  2 remainder  2
 77: 50 div 23 is:  2 remainder  4
 78: 50 div 22 is:  2 remainder  6
 79: 50 div 21 is:  2 remainder  8
 80: 50 div 20 is:  2 remainder 10
 81: 50 div 19 is:  2 remainder 12
 82: 50 div 18 is:  2 remainder 14
 83: 50 div 17 is:  2 remainder 16
 84: 50 div 16 is:  3 remainder  2
 86: Breakpoint 2, main (argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffdd08) at condbreak.c:19
 87: 19	      printf("%2d div %2d is: ",i,j);
 89: (gdb) print j                   # j is 15 on hitting the break point
 90: $4 = 15
 92: (gdb) break dodiv if bot==0     # break in function dodiv only if param bot is 0
 93: Breakpoint 3 at 0x55555555515b: file condbreak.c, line 9.
 95: (gdb) cont
 96: Continuing.
 97: 50 div 15 is:  3 remainder  5
 98: 50 div 14 is:  3 remainder  8
 99: 50 div 13 is:  3 remainder 11
100: 50 div 12 is:  4 remainder  2
101: 50 div 11 is:  4 remainder  6
102: 50 div 10 is:  5 remainder  0
103: 50 div  9 is:  5 remainder  5
104: 50 div  8 is:  6 remainder  2
105: 50 div  7 is:  7 remainder  1
106: 50 div  6 is:  8 remainder  2
107: 50 div  5 is: 10 remainder  0
108: 50 div  4 is: 12 remainder  2
109: 50 div  3 is: 16 remainder  2
110: 50 div  2 is: 25 remainder  0
111: 50 div  1 is: 50 remainder  0
113: Breakpoint 3, dodiv (top=50, bot=0, quo=0x7fffffffdbc8, rem=0x7fffffffdbcc) at condbreak.c:9
114: 9	  int q = top / bot;
116: (gdb) print bot                 # bot is 0 which will cause a bug
117: $5 = 0

7 Other GDB Guides

8 Other Useful Tools for working with Binary Files

The following programs are available on most Unix systems and can prove useful when dealing with binary files. In addition to GDB, they can provide some information on what to look for.

Command Effect
objdump -d file.o Show decompiled assembly from compiled file
objdump -t file.o Show the symbols (functions/global vars) defined in the file
nm file.o Short for "names", Similar to objdump -t but omits some details of symbols
strings file.o Find and show ASCII strings that are present in the file


Mon Mar 10 01:57:19 PM EDT 2025
Added the Advanced GDB USage section including information on setting up reverse execution in the debugger.
Mon Feb 17 04:50:20 PM EST 2025
Style adjustments to UMD flavor in preparation for re-deployment and updates.
Tue Oct 18 01:08:26 PM CDT 2022
Minor typo fixes and additions.
Fri Jan 11 17:08:41 CST 2019
Minor typo fixes and additions.
Tue Feb 27 10:56:51 CST 2018
Added a section on setting breakpoints in binary files which is relevant to work on the binary bomb assignment.
Wed Feb 21 15:19:21 CST 2018
Added a section on debugging binaries/assembly with gdb including debugging binaries without source code.

Web Accessibility
Author: Chris Kauffman (
Date: 2025-03-10 Mon 14:11