CSCI 4061 HW09: FIFOs servers Server and Clients
- Due: 11:59pm Wed 3/30/2020
- Approximately 0.83% of total grade
- Homework and Quizzes are open resource/open collaboration. You must submit your own work but you may freely discuss HW topics with other members of the class.
- Download the code distribution every lab
- See further setup instructions below
1 Rationale
FIFOs provide a nice way for two unrelated processes to communicate. However, if multiple processes wish to work on a FIFO, some sort of protocol must be used to ensure that their communication is coordinated and does not result in problems such as deadlocks or stalls. This lab explores both these issues.
1.1 Associated Reading
Ch 15.1-5 of Stevens & Rago discusses pipes, FIFOs, and simple client-server models
1.2 Grading Policy
Credit for this HW is earned by taking the associate Quiz which is
linked under Gradescope
. The quiz will ask similar questions as
those that are present in the QUESTIONS.txt
file and those that
complete all answers in QUESTIONS.txt
should have no trouble with
the quiz.
See the full policy in the syllabus.
2 Overview
2.1 Codepack
The codepack for the lab contains the following files:
File | Description |
Questions to answer |
Makefile |
Makefile to build programs below |
em_server.c |
Small server to look up email based on name |
em_client.c |
Client to connect to server with a name to get an email | |
Script to start server and arbitrary number of clients |
2.2 Programs
Compile and run the em_client
and em_server
programs. To do so
interactively, you will need two terminals, one for the continually
running server and one for the client. Running them will produce
something like the following:
# SERVER > ./em_server SERVER 14841: starting up SERVER 14841: created new requests.fifo, now opening it SERVER 14841: opened requests.fifo, listening for requests SERVER 14841: received request {client_fifo='14842.fifo' query_name='Chris Kauffman' } ... ------- # CLIENT TERMINAL > ./em_client "Chris Kauffman" CLIENT 14842: sending request: {fifo_file='14842.fifo' query_name='Chris Kauffman' } CLIENT 14842: opening '14842.fifo' CLIENT 14842: fifo opened, awaiting server response CLIENT 14842: response for name 'Chris Kauffman' is email '' > ./em_client "Amy Larson" CLIENT 14882: sending request: {fifo_file='14882.fifo' query_name='Amy Larson' } CLIENT 14882: opening '14882.fifo' CLIENT 14882: fifo opened, awaiting server response CLIENT 14882: response for name 'Amy Larson' is email '' >
You can also simulate a larger number of clients connecting to a
server using the
program as below. Ensure you do
not servers running in this case.
# run the server and start up 10 clients to connect to it > ./ 10 SERVER 14893: starting up SERVER 14893: created new requests.fifo, now opening it SERVER 14893: opened requests.fifo, listening for requests CLIENT 14895: sending request: {fifo_file='14895.fifo' query_name='Chris Kauffman' } CLIENT 14895: opening '14895.fifo' CLIENT 14895: fifo opened, awaiting server response SERVER 14893: received request {client_fifo='14895.fifo' query_name='Chris Kauffman' } SERVER 14893: opening client FIFO '14895.fifo' SERVER 14893: writing email '' for query_name 'Chris Kauffman' CLIENT 14895: response for name 'Chris Kauffman' is email '' ...
3 What to Understand
Ensure that you understand
- How FIFOs are created by the server and used by clients to communicate with the server and receive information without being a child process
- Some basic ideas of how a protocol determines who does what when in order for cooperating parties to avoid conflicts and errors
4 Questions
Analyze these files and answer the questions given in QUESTIONS.txt
_________________ HW 09 QUESTIONS _________________ - Name: (FILL THIS in) - NetID: (THE kauf0095 IN Write your answers to the questions below directly in this text file. HW quiz questions will be related to the questions in this file. PROBLEM 1 `em_server.c' ======================= A ~ Examine the source code for `em_server.c'. Describe the `requests.fifo' item that it creates. Resolve theses specific items 1. What system call is used initially to delete any existing version of `requests.fifo'? 2. What system call is used to create `requests.fifo'? 3. What system call is used to set up reading from `requests.fifo'? B ~ In the main `while()' loop of the server, describe how the server handles requests from the client. 1. What C data type represents the requests from clients and what parts does it have? 2. How does the server use the request data to search for a name/email association? 3. How does the server use the request data to communicate back to the client? PROBLEM 2 `em_client.c' and Protocol ==================================== A ~ Examine the code for `em_client.c'. Describe the steps that it performs to contact the server to make a request and then receive the response. Describe how system calls are used in this process. B ~ Describe the overall Protocol of communication of between the server and client. Which entity is responsible for creating, reading, and writing each FIFO at what time. C ~ Use the provided script ` <N>' to launch start a server and run a specified number of clients such as 5 as below ,---- | > ./ 5 | SERVER 14205: starting up | SERVER 14205: created new requests.fifo, now opening it | SERVER 14205: opened requests.fifo, listening for requests | CLIENT 14208: sending request: {fifo_file='14208.fifo' query_name='Christopher Jonathan' } | CLIENT 14208: opening '14208.fifo' | ... | SERVER 14205: closing connection to fifo '14212.fifo' | CLIENT 14211: response for name 'Dan Knights' is email '' | CLIENT 14212: response for name 'George Karypis' is email '' | > `---- Examine the output for this run along with running the simulation several more times with different numbers of clients. Explain why there never seems to be any problem with multiple clients overwriting data associated with each other particularly in the `requests.fifo' and the client responses. PROBLEM 3: Pitfalls =================== A ~ Compile the server/client with `make' and run the server via ,---- | > ./em_server `---- Note the output that it prints. Then kill the server, perhaps with a C-c interrupt signal. Edit the `em_server.c' code to use the line marked `ALTERNATE OPEN'. You should comment on the preceding `open()' line to get ,---- | // int requests_fd = open("requests.fifo", O_RDWR); // open FIFO read/write to avoid blocking | int requests_fd = open("requests.fifo", O_RDONLY); // ALTERNATE OPEN: read only `---- Recompile and re-run `em_server' and explain why the output of the server changes in this case. To understand the change in output, you may need to review what happens when a process opens only one end of a pipe/FIFO. B ~ With the ALTERNATE OPEN line in use (uncommented), start the `em_server' which should appear to be 'waiting' for something. Then in a separate terminal, run `em_client'. Describe if the client and server behave differently than when the original `open()' line was in use by the server. C ~ With the ALTERNATE OPEN line in use (uncommented), run the ` 5' script a few times until it appears to stall and fail to complete. Examine the output of the simulation run carefully and find a line involving the server that gives some hints as to why the simulation fails. Show that line below. D ~ Do some careful thinking, reading, and exploration and explain why the ALTERNATE OPEN line creates a flaw in the server/client protocol that is NOT present in the original version.
5 Again, What to Understand
Ensure that you understand
- How FIFOs are created by the server and used by clients to communicate with the server and receive information without being a child process
- Some basic ideas of how a protocol determines who does what when in order for cooperating parties to avoid conflicts and errors