CSCI 4061 Grade Calculator

| Percent | Grade | Percent | Grade | Percent | Grade | Percent | Grade |
|   >= 93 | A     |   87-89 | B+    |   78-79 | C+    |   65-69 | D+    |
|   90-92 | A-    |   83-86 | B     |   73-77 | C     |   60-64 | D     |
|         |       |   80-82 | B-    |   70-72 | C-    |     <60 | F     |

HW Grade Scoring

For HW grades, enter the total points up to 100 (best 10 / 12 HWs). Most HW quizzes are worth 10 points. Drop the lowest 2 scores and total the remaining HW scores.

Engagement Points